Historia y memoria colectiva como posibilitadores de la construcción social del proceso salud-enfermedad en México.
Gil Montes, Verónica; Flores Rentería, Joel


No. Número esp; Segundo semestre de 2009/Año 10
Págs. 71-84

¿Cómo se entiende el proceso de salud-enfermedad según los distintos momentos históricos? Pensar en la relación hombre-salud 0 en el proceso salud-enfermedad nos remite a significaciones imaginarias que se han construido en el pasado y que se resignifican en el presente. Este texto plantea recuperar las significaciones imaginarias sobre la salud en México a 1o largo de su historia, sin olvidar que estas se han construido de igual manera en la actualidad. Indagar y conocer como se ha resignificado la noción sobre la salud de los sujetos en nuestra sociedad contemporánea nos permitirá elucidar la construcción social de la salud. PALABRAS CLAVE: salud, historia, memoria colectiva, sistemas médicos, modelos medicos.

History and collective memory as enablers of social construction of health-disease process in Mexico. How the process of health and disease across different historical moments is explained? To think about man-health link or health-disease process leads us to imaginary meanings that have been built in the past and have new meanings in the present. This text recovers imaginary significations about health in Mexico throughout its history, without forgetting that these meanings are built today too. Explore and understand how concept on people's health has been resignified in contemporary society will allow us to elucidate the social construction of health. * Candidata al Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, Area Psicologia Social de Grupos e Instituciones.

History and collective memory as enablers of social construction of health-disease process in Mexico. How the process of health and disease across different historical moments is explained? To think about man-health link or health-disease process leads us to imaginary meanings that have been built in the past and have new meanings in the present. This text recovers imaginary significations about health in Mexico throughout its history, without forgetting that these meanings are built today too. Explore and understand how concept on people's health has been resignified in contemporary society will allow us to elucidate the social construction of health. KEY WORDS: experimental psychology, social genesis, institutionalization, national university.

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